Thinking of setting up your own business?
I took the opportunity to set up my own business in 2017 and have never looked back. I really enjoy the challenge, thoroughly enjoy what I do and particularly enjoy the flexibility it allows and the range of skills it requires. A few tips below if you are thinking of setting up your own business.
– Think about your business offering, and where it sits in the market. Can you bring something new to the market?
– Do you have the marketing/sales skills to sell your business, referrals will count for some of your business, but you will need to engage in some self-promotion to get your product offering out there?
– Get organised with your finances, there is no point in working if you don’t get paid. Keeping an eye on your revenue, your tax requirements and your creditors is very important
– Set it up so that it works for you, enjoy the freedom and flexibility it brings.
– It can be a slow process to build a brand and a business, be realistic about your projections
– Network with other self-employed people, huge learning to be gained from other peoples’ experience.
– Get expert help when you need it.
– Enjoy it!