Psychometric tests are examinations of your mental capabilities and processes. They also provide an understanding of personality, values, interests, and skills.
Personality profiles
Graduate personality test – This career report assists school leavers to make the right course choice. This test provides a comprehensive assessment of your values, interests, personality, skills, and aptitudes. This test also identifies the top career areas that match your unique personal profile.
Career transitions personality profile – This personality profile provides you with a comprehensive view of your values, interests, personality, skills. This report also provides you with an in-depth account of your strengths, areas for development, how you like to work and how you deal with pressure and stress. This is a valuable resource to enable you to identify your career path and increase your job satisfaction
Executive/Leadership personality profile – This personality profile provides you with a comprehensive view of your values, interests, personality, skills. This report also provides you with an in-depth account of your strengths, areas for development, how you like to work and how you deal with pressure and stress. This profile also provides you with the implications of your personality in a leadership capacity. This includes understanding your personality traits under key areas such as Strategy, Operations, People, Communications, Emotion and Motivation. A valuable guide to understanding your unique leadership style.
Verbal reasoning tests
These tests appraise your vocabulary, comprehension, and ability to identify relationships between words. They typically involve a range of questions.
This type of tests can help to identify a suitable career type, key strengths and can be used by identify employee’s language and comprehension skills and an employee’s ability to apply reasoning and logic.
Numeric reasoning tests
This test examines your ability to add, subtract, multiply and divide, work with percentages, averages and fractions and interpret graphs, tables, and statistics.
This type of test can help to identify your ability to work with numbers and data. This test can also be used to identify how well you employees or potential employees work under pressure. It can also provide insight to interpret and draw conclusions in a pressurised time frame.
Abstract reasoning tests
These tests identify your diagrammatic reasoning ability
This type of test allows you to understand your general intellect ability to reason logically. This test can also be used to identify how well you employees or potential employees work under pressure. It can also provide insight to interpret and draw conclusions in a pressurised time frame.