I have a lot of clients having a very different experience of a career transition process. Some clients are almost enjoying it, they are finding success quickly, getting the role the really want, doing well at interviews and getting great feedback.
Almost opposite to that, I have clients who are struggling with the process, success isn’t coming early or coming at all. They feel this process is a huge mountain and they will never get to the top of it.
Success comes in all shapes and sizes, it is difficult, challenging, rewarding and enjoyable all at the same time. Here are a few takeaways from my experience that might help.
📣 Break the process of change down into small manageable pieces, this will really help to get each bit right but also to manage the task of getting success.
📣Embrace this part of your life, you may never be here again, this could be your last move, your last opportunity to explore what you really want. Try and see it as just that an opportunity that you more than deserve to get what you want.
📣Try and see the challenge of the employer, they want their right hire, they care about who they employ, the more you can understand what they are looking for the easier it is to see them as a fit for them.
📣 Each part of the process is different you might find the early stages of finding out what you want easy but the execution of getting the role difficult, or the opposite might be true, the early stages are difficult, but the CV and interview piece is easy. What ever it is for you, take each stage as it comes and get some help if you need it.
· 📣Talk, research use your network to see what roles, companies, industries are like.
📣Upskill if you can, it’s always a good option to show an employer that you have up to date skills and you have a love of learning.
Take your time! The right move is hugely important for you, you deserve to get the right role, company and industry, that can take time.
Reach out if you need some help.