The job’s market has got off to a flying start in 2022, lots of good news stories and lots of people successfully upskilling and transitioning to new jobs across all sectors.
It looks like 2022 will be a year of recovery and growth, and that brings lots of opportunity for everyone. Perhaps it is time to upskill, embrace some change, and consider other markets/industries. A few tips that might help:
1. Identify any gaps you might have in your skill set.
2. Consider upskilling to address these gaps.
3. Consider specialising in a particular area or sector
4. Follow the market, keep an eye on industries/locations you are interested in.
5. Stay positive, change isn’t easy, but you can do it, think about your language, and change “I can’t” to “I can I just need some help”.
Lots of detail behind each of those points, taking just one step and exploring it might be well worth while.
Reach out if you need some help.